Monday, December 31, 2012

The Old Eagle's Journey of Life

The Old Eagle’s Journey of Life

“After five full years, so long ago.  
 My head and tail began to look like snow
Now with two hundred  miles yet to go.
I’m flying hard to avoid the snow.”

“I have been on this journey over 20 times.
My middle years were full of strife.
When some dirty hunters killed my wife
I had to live alone.”

“As I’ve flown alone for over a month
I’ve sailed in the wind to gain some rest,
Remembering how she helped build the nest.
The young ones stayed for about four months then left.”

Now flying alone I find my way
By looking at the stars
And seeing friendly mountains
I’ll spend the winter in Florida.”   

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Stream of Flowers

Stream of Flowers 
Walking along beside the stream,
In summer’s warmth, I see the colors
In the field of flowers surrounding me.

I love the summer for its warmth and light.
Unlike the winter that is mostly night.
Each type of flower has a story to tell
Along with their color there is also their smell

In the distance the trees are in
Their max of green and the sky behind
Is soft and blue with a touch of clouds
Much like the stream

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Here and Now

Aging in Reality

When I was young
I was I and me was me.
But as I’ve grown older
I have come to see that
Me is we

Monday, December 17, 2012

Emotional Triggers

Two Nights of Winter

On night one,
after a short day of icy cold,
I finally went to sleep;
after reading in a scary novel
that created an  unconscious creep.
The dream I had was full of terror
And I awoke full of anxiety.

On night two,
after a day one minute shorter,
I finely went to bed
after watching A TV show
full of youthful singing.
The dream I had was full of Glee
and warmth and love were inside me

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Return of Snow

The Monster’s Back

I hoped it would not return yet
But during the night
It came back

On the white mountains it
Started glowing
It tickled our sidewalk
Acted up in the driveway

And set the stage
For winter

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Growing Old With Wrinkles

As the morning sun twinkled
I looked down at my hands
And saw my skin wrinkled.
Looking in the mirror
They were also on my face.

For a while I found wrinkles
Difficult to accept as mine.
In any case I am who I am
And I am not one to whine

Later as I watched the News
An afternoon TV commercial
Advertised a way for them to loose
But that’s not for me to choose

My mother who is 97
With all her wrinkles
Is still beautiful waiting for
Her trip to heaven

I hope to live as long as her
As Christmas approaches I wonder
What Santa Claus thinks about wrinkles?